SharePoint 2010 - Multi Language User Interface

Among the many new user interface features found in SharePoint 2010 there is now greater support for localised sites. In previous versions the main method for getting translated versions of a site was via site variations. Now SharePoint sites can have their user interface presented in various languages. Now I hear you say SharePoint 2007 could do that, just set the language in the site settings and I would have to agree however the difference is that 2010 now support Multiple languages at the same time. A user can select their preferred language to be used when visiting the site simultaneously with another user using a different language!

In order to enable this you need to be running SharePoint server and install the language packs relevant to your users. The Language pack down load site is here

In the dropdown list select the language you wish to download then press change before pressing the download button. The German selection is shown below.

And French here

Note that the executable name is the same regardless of the language so store them in separate folders

Install the Language Packs

On your SharePoint server run this executable – follow the dialogs – it’s very straight forward.

On the final page you will see checkbox selected offering you the chance to run the products and technologies configuration wizard. You can run this after each language pack install or once after all have been installed which saves a bit of time.

Repeat this for each language pack.

Run the products and technologies Configuration wizard.

Selecting the Languages

Now logon to the server as a site collection owner

Site Actions Site Settings Language Settings to see the screen below

Tick the boxes for each language you wish to support in the site

When a user connects to your sit they will have the option to select their preferred language

Press the user-id link in the top right hand corner to see the following

The site will then be changed to that language and remembered when the user returns to the site

Supported Elements

The following are displayed in the selected language

Navigation Menus
Standard text, headings and other UI elements
List/ Library Standard Column Headings


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